F.E.A.R Masterclass (Face Everything And Recover)
✅ Do you have a chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue syndrome?
✅ Does your disease label fill you with fear even if you may not want to admit it to yourself or others?
✅ Do you feel overwhelmed and powerless in the face of your diagnosis?
✅ Do you long to heal so that you can do the things you would love to do and make an impact?
✅ Are you committed to do what it takes in order to heal so that you can live a full life or maybe even die with peace rather than with struggle?
If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, then the F.E.A.R (Face Everything and Recover) masterclass is for you.
Our most primal fears center around survival so it makes sense that when we get injured or ill, these fears are triggered.
Many of us may not be aware of the fear or even identify it as such but the Covid pandemic showed us just how prevalent the fear of getting sick and dying is and how this fear can spread across the globe.
When faced with a diagnosis of cancer (potentially terminal) or any other serious disease which may be fatal in the short or long term, one of the first emotions we feel is fear. Shock, disbelief and anger are also right up there straight after a diagnosis.
Fear creates systemic effects in the body such as triggering our fight, flight, freeze or fawn responses, dysregulates our nervous system and weakens our immune system.
When faced with overwhelming negative emotion, many of us respond by denying it exists, distracting ourselves from it or actively suppressing it. This doesn’t negate the physiological effects of the fear but merely masks it.
We cannot heal until we acknowledge our fear, confront it (with compassion) and allow ourselves to feel it.
Trying to heal without facing our fears is like driving a car with our foot on the accelerator and brake at the same time.
If you're ready to face your fears and heal, we invite you to sign up for the F.E.A.R. (Face Everything And Recover) masterclass today.
The F.E.A.R. masterclass will:
✅ Teach you how to recognise the conscious and unconscious fears that are making and keeping you sick
✅ Give you practical tools to help you face and feel your fear so that your immune system can strengthen, and you can heal
✅ Connect you to the part of you that is limitless and eternal so that you can get a clear vision for your healing, beyond your fear.
✅ Give you tools that will increase your emotional resilience and your ability to deal with stress so that your body can heal.
✅ Teach you how to strengthen and balance your energy body to support your physical, mental and emotional healing
Our conscious and unconscious fears are what hold us back from creating the health and life we love.
💥 Imagine being free to heal yourself despite your fears.
💥 Imagine being open to infinite possibilities of healing rather than the narrow view of your diagnosis and prognosis.
💥 Imagine being able to feel your fear fully and still being able to take the best actions required for your healing.
💥 Imagine seeing through the stories that keep you trapped in fear and liberating your mind from them and freeing your body in the process.
💥 Imagine the lightness of knowing that you aren’t bound by your fear but can create the health you’d love regardless of the fears you have.
It’s possible to Face Everything And Recover and we would love to show you what has worked for us.
Antoinette has used these tools as a major part of healing cancer and borderline personality disorder and I have used them on thousands of patients and clients to help them regulate their nervous and immune systems and create vibrant health.
Join Antoinette and I as we share the practical tools and techniques that have helped us and our patients/clients to face their fear and heal.
When you buy this product you will receive:
The recording of the two hour FEAR masterclass
The slide deck from the masterclass
A comprehensive manual containing all the tools
Bonus materia: a guided recording on the process that allows you to connect to your wise inner self
· Confronting a specific fear is not a guarantee that it will not happen. The process is strictly designed to reduce or eliminate the emotional stress caused by the fear, which has a negative impact on the immune system. The objective of the process is to ensure that you will get to a point of knowing how to deal with the feared event, if it ever happens.
· What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness.